Eclectic English Home Page the verb to be ( am , is , are ) - the Present Simple Tense
the verb to be ( am , is , are ) - the Present Simple Tense
  Verb to be ( am / is / are ) - the Present Simple Tense
the verb to be ( am , is , are ) - the Present Simple Tense

Created by: Nikita Kovalyov
Updated: May 2004

the verb to be ( am , is , are ) - the Present Simple Tense  the verb to be ( am , is , are ) - the Present Simple Tense  the verb to be ( am , is , are ) - the Present Simple Tense  the verb to be ( am , is , are ) - the Present Simple Tense

[ To be - Positive Sentences & Contractions ] [ To be - negative forms and contractions ] [ The verb to be - yes / no questions ] [ The verb to be - Information questions  ]

Verb to be ( am / is / are ) To be - Positive Sentences & Contractions

Full Forms of the verb to be

Iama student.
Heisa teacher.
Sheisa journalist.
Itisa book.

Contracted forms of the verb to be

Iama student.
Heisa teacher.
Sheisa journalist.
Itisa book.



Verb to be ( am / is / are ) The verb to be - exercise

Chose the correct form of the verb to be - am/is/are.

  1. It cold today.

  2. I at home now.

  3. They Korean.

  4. There a pen on the desk.

  5. My name Nikita.

  6. We from Ukraine.

  7. That right.

  8. I OK, thanks.

  9. Clara and Steve married.

  10. She an English teacher.


Verb to be ( am / is / are ) The verb to be - more practice

Click on the words in the correct order to make
positive sentences with the verb to be.


 bad  good   
  1  2  3  4  5   

the verb to be ( am , is , are ) - the Present Simple Tense  the verb to be ( am , is , are ) - the Present Simple Tense  the verb to be ( am , is , are ) - the Present Simple Tense  the verb to be ( am , is , are ) - the Present Simple Tense

[ To be - Positive Sentences & Contractions ] [ To be - negative forms and contractions ] [ The verb to be - yes / no questions ] [ The verb to be - Information questions  ]

Present Continuous - Practice Forming Present Continuous Tense Learn More

  • Present Continuous Tense when to use; how to form; ing forms of the verbs; English action and state verbs; the difference between the Present Continuous and the Present Simple tenses; test.

  • Present Perfect Tense - when to use; how to form; how to use yet already, for and since; the difference between the Present Perfect and the Past Simple tenses


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